Motherhood + Marriage

Dillon – 18 months

Wow, it’s been a minute since I did an update on Dillon! In fact, the last one was his One Year update! While it’s a few weeks late, I wanted to wait til we had gone to his 18 month appointment so I could document all his stats. As of today, he’s 19 months actual, but he’s still only 16.5 months adjusted. He currently has 13 teeth [including his bottom molars and he’s working on his top molars], weighs 22.6 lbs and is 32 inches long! He’s in the ~20-25%tile for his actual age and his Dr. is so pleased with his growth that she said we can stop adjusting for his prematurity when it comes to his size! Guys, I cried! I am so, so proud of him and how far he has come. If you’re a preemie parent, you know how major this is. I know I have some new readers since the last update, so you can read about my pregnancy and pre-term labor journey herehere, and here. It’s safe to say he’s changed a whole lot since his birth and we are so in love with him. Today I wanted to give you a little update on what’s going on in little man’s life!

Recent highs:

  • Talking so much more! He can say mama, dada, uh oh, bye bye, woah, there, more, milk, yeah, ball, bubbles, and cheese.
  • Running everywhere! He is so fast. I seriously sweat chasing after him.
  • He is obsessed with bubbles and his drum set.
  • We took him down to Texas to see his cousins and he was a champ on the plane.

Recent lows:

  • D saw his next illness – Perirectal Strep followed by Folliculitis. Luckily he wasn’t feeling under the weather during all this [all smiles and energy over here!] but the gnarly rashes that came with it were no fun. We had a solid two month stretch after he got the flu in January where he was really healthy, but then this struck in March.

His schedule:
I will preface this by saying every kid is different and what works for Dillon may not work for your baby, and that’s ok!

6:30AM — Dillon wakes up and we change him and he drinks a few ounces of milk while he watches his show [still obsessed with only this]. We then get ourselves ready for the day.
7:15AM — Dillon goes to daycare. While there, he eats breakfast, 2 snacks, and lunch. Nap time is 12-2. He’s been down to one nap for probably 6 months.
5PM — I pick up Dillon and we come home from daycare. We then play for a bit and I feed him dinner and give him a bath. Then it’s a little more playing/hanging out. Sometimes we’ll take a walk now that it’s warming up.
6:45-7PM — He still drinks a cup of milk before bed. It’s usually about 5 oz and we mix his probiotic in there. Then we take him in his room to get him ready for bed. We turn on the sound machine and humidifier. Then he’s down for the night usually by 7! He is a solid sleeper and we are #blessed.


Currently loving:
Skip Hop Seat Cover – We still use this for carts and high chairs at restaurants. He loves putting things in his mouth and I cringe a bit less when he gnaws on the shopping cart handle when this is on it, ha!

Badger Bug Spray & Sunscreen – We loved these last year and now that spring/summer is upon us, we’ll definitely be using these more.

Zoo Drum Set – This was his gift from the Easter Bunny and he is OBSESSED!

Mega blocks – Dillon is still loving these and he’s gotten so good at actually building things! He can click and unclick them and even make little towers. They occupy him for a good bit of time.

Diffuser & Essential Oils – We are still going strong with the EOs in his room every night!



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