Friday Finds

Friday Finds

Happy Friday, guys! I was supposed to go to New York this week but that trip got cancelled so I actually got to have a normal week at home, which was much needed. It’s Easter weekend, and while we don’t have a ton of plans, we are going to hang with some friends and family so it should be good! I also hope to finish the book I’m currently reading. It is CRAZY and I can’t wait to share it with you guys. Here is what I’ve loved online this week:



After seeing a few YouTube videos on this, I really want to try it!

Say hello to my new favorite top.

This bomber jacket is SO cute and only $10! Plus, it comes in like 6 colors!



Love this post from Blair on sparking joy.

Makeup hacks for moms, by moms.

This video is for all my fellow brown girls



Crushing on eyelet

March empties

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