Friday Finds

Friday Finds

image via Pinterest

Hello everyone! How was your week? Mine was super crazy and busy, as usual. Mike is heading out of town this weekend for a guys trip so I am looking forward to hanging around Cinci and relaxing a bit. Below are some things I’ve been loving this week. Hope you all have some exciting plans to soak up the last few weekends of summer!

This military blazer is what (my) dreams are made of.
These booties are super cute and functional and come in 4 colors!
I’m not one to splurge on makeup, but this will be an exception.
Did you catch my Fall must-haves?!


Going somewhere this weekend? Check out all my travel essentials here.

I loved Julia’s post on how to instagram.

If you’re a part of Bachelor Nation like I am, I hope this outrages you!
Since I just shared a tour of my home office, I love Hallie’s post as a follow-up on tips to work from home.
Did any of you catch this?! I’m fascinated by this kind of stuff. #nerdalert

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