Friday Finds

Friday Finds

Happy Friday, guys! Monday was MLK Day so D and I spent the day with my girlfriend and thennnnnn I got sick. I felt like I got hit by a Mack truck on Monday night and spent Tuesday and Wednesday trying to get back to health. Yesterday I was in Chicago for the day for a few meetings and I got home super late. So, today is going to be spent working and getting odds and ends together. It’s supposed to be a bit warmer this weekend so hopefully we can have some fun! Here’s what I loved this week:



This one-piece is under $50 and so super cute for spring/summer!

I live in my jean jacket and I’m thinking I need one in white!

I shared this bag on instastories and y’all went crazy for it! Under $40 and looks so luxe.



I cannot stop watching this! Any other mommas wish they had this on repeat every night?!

Weight-loss tips that are actually doable?! Bookmarking this for sure.

If you’re a boy mom, read this and be prepared for alllllll the tears!



Wearing a sweater as a dress

The most amazing couples massages at Mitchells

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