Friday Finds

Friday Finds

Friday, we meet again! We have so many fun plans this weekend so I’m really excited. We’re doing date night tonight, Mike’s company picnic is at the Zoo tomorrow so we’re taking D for the first time (!!), and we’re doing Sunday brunch with our friends! It’s supposed to be really hot so hopefully we can stay cool and enjoy being out and about. Let me know what you guys are up to this weekend in the comments. Enjoy!

I just placed my first polish order and I am so tempted to throw all my other ones out because these are SO GOOD!

These pants look insanely comfortable. Do I need all the colors?!

This dress is adorable and comes in a ton of colors.


I definitely bookmarked this list of recipes to make for summer dinners.

This a great roundup of lipstick dupes for all you beauty lovers!

A great (but lengthy) read from Brighton on self-discipline.


An easy and casual look that’s perfect for the weekend.

My favorite face masks of the moment.

The perfect dress for those summer weddings.

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